Can you remember when you were in elementary and junior high school, there always seemed to be at least one bully in the class? He or she seemed to always attach themselves to the most wimpy kid in the class, and of course, they would be the target for the abuse the entire school year. Their wimpy attitude invited the bully to target and ridicule them. The bully would make their life absolutely miserable that school year.
Satan chooses to operate in the same manner. When we are not intentional about serving Christ and making Him our first priority Satan selects us for his attack. He becomes our personal bully. You see, a Christian who is lacking quality prayer and devotional time with the Lord is setting themselves up for defeat. When we are not reading our Bibles and equipping ourselves for what the enemy is planning to punch us with, we become WIMPS FOR JESUS. When challenges come knocking at our doors we wimp out because we have nothing to stand on. Our foundation is very weak and unstable and the bully wins. Our power punch is nonexistent and we no longer have what it takes to knock Satan out of the fighting ring.
Each day is filled with opportunities and challenges. We have choices to make. Will you be intentional in ALL areas of your life serving Christ with your entire being or are you choosing to WIMP OUT ON JESUS and become that wimp Satan will devour? It is time for Christians to step up to the plate and make the decision to be intentional in the things of Christ. God has so much for His children to accomplish and it cannot be completed if we are lazy about serving Him.
God is the God of the impossible. He can do anything, anywhere at anytime. We limit what He can do in our own lives because of our small thinking. Let's rally together and stand up for Christ. Let's be intentional about serving Him. Don't allow Satan to bully you. He is the wimp!
Blessings to you!
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Blessings and hugs!