Sunday God ROCKED the HOUSE AGAIN! His presence and power has been so real in our services. The altar time last night was powerful! God is doing something in our church. People are coming with expectation and excitement in their hearts and He is delivering! His anointing was all over that place. If you were there and didn't feel the presence of God - you truly missed it!
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19. What good is it to have the truth preached Sunday after Sunday if you refuse to apply it to your life? What good is it if you are repeatedly exposed to incredible services where the presence of God is real, refuse to respond to the praise and worship and simply disobey God when the invitation to the altar is given? What good is it to bring your needs to the church week after week after week and refuse to ask God to help you? You my friend are missing out tremendously.
Jesus said, "If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!" (John 7:37). If we have any need of any magnitude we are to ask Jesus for what we want, and then receive it. Yes, it is that simplistic. Ask and you shall receive. How difficult is that to comprehend? But people Sunday after Sunday enter the church with excessive baggage strapped to their backs only to exit the church carrying that same baggage. Jesus is waiting with outstretched arms to remove those things from our lives but we refuse to be obedient and surrender unto Him.
Yesterday I attended church thirsting for more of Him. I wasn't disappointed. As Christians we need to be thirsty for more of God every day. Pursuing holiness and Christ-like character requires consistent thirsting for the things of God.
If you are thirsty for more of Him why not seek His face with high expectations of receiving everything He has designed for your life? You won't be disappointed.
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Blessings and hugs!