Wednesday, July 7

Impossible and Unbelievable!

God is incredible and throughout the Bible there is story after story of miraculous events performed by Jesus. These stories are not fairy tales. God used real life people like you and I throughout His Word. Those folks were dealing with heavy duty life problems and God stepped in and performed miracles. He healed the blind man. The lame walked. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He healed the woman with the issue of blood. Time after time there are countless recordings of awesome things that God did in ordinary lives.

Why do we often times only ask God for a little when we pray for a need? We might be struggling with finances, sickness, depression, bitterness, etc. Instead of asking God for a complete fix for the problem, we tend to ask for a small portion. Do we doubt that God can totally and completely do the impossible?

My God can do anything and He does! When we pray we should be asking Him for the impossible. When we don't ask for ALL of it, we are demonstrating a lack of faith in what God can do in our lives. He is more than capable of completing the task in its entirety. We hinder His work when we only ask for a portion of the need.

Step up to the plate and exercise your faith this week. Ask God for the impossible in your life. Trust Him with that prayer and watch Him do far more than you could ever imagine.

Praying for the impossible and what may appear unbelievable!

Blessings friends!

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Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!