Tuesday, October 14

In Other Words: Characteristics of a Pharisee

"A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself."

by A. W. Tozer

Amy at In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is hosting In Other Words today. Stop by to read her blog and check out the other great blogs from ladies participating in IOW on this Tuesday.
Our churches today are full to overflowing with people who see themselves as the "perfect" Christian. They are like the Pharisee's mentioned in the Bible because they fail to see their own faults but are very quick to point out the flaws in others. Critical spirits are destructive to the church. This type of behavior creates division and discord.

A Pharisee looks good from the outside, but inwardly they are corrupt. They have wicked hearts, critical and lying spirits and are very rebellious. A Pharisee doesn't love others with Christ's love. They are only successful in always pointing out the faults of others in the church. Everything must be done their way. If not, they perceive it as wrong and ungodly.

A Pharisee craves recognition, popularity and honor. They are always seeking praise for everything they do in the church. If proper recognition is not given to them they become angry and find fault with the pastor and church. The Pharisee wants to be seen. He doesn't recognize the definition of humbleness. A Pharisee is more concerned about what others think rather than God.

A Pharisee has a lack of respect for any authority. People who disrespect leadership, disrespect it at all levels. Pharisee's refuse to believe the truth. They don't want to hear the truth. A Pharisee rejoices when another Christian fails. They refuse to recognize their own faults and flaws.

God commands us to love one another with His love. I admit it isn't always easy to love everyone with my fleshy love but I am thankful today that God helps me to embrace others and love them with His love. If people would place as much energy and focus on fine tuning their own Christian walk, they would not have time to constantly criticize and destroy other Christians.

My hubby and I have pastored for almost thirty years. I admit there have been some very rough journeys but God is always there to walk through the valleys we are facing. We have had many experiences and some of them haven't been easy. I do not understand how folks can harbor bitterness and hatred in their hearts toward one another and proclaim to know Jesus. People quit churches because so and so is a member. That is ridiculous and extremely childish! God commands us to love one another. How in the world do these people think they are going to make it to heaven? God certainly isn't going to separate His children when we arrive so we don't run into others we hate! Bitterness and hatred will definitely keep you out of heaven.

Christians do not respond as Pharisees. Christians love their enemies and encourage those who have fallen. We must be a living example of Godliness to a very dark and fallen world. You may be the only Jesus someone will see today.

Blessings and hugs friends!


  1. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Okay, I'm tired of typing "AMEN!"
    As a fellow pastor's wife - I am surrounded by Pharisees calling me a Pharisee. OH! If we could all just see ourselves the way God does!

    You are "preaching to the choir" on this one. Most Christians in ministry today DO (Thank God!) have discernment and are able to point out err. This is part of ministry. It is so sad and it must break God's heart that so many of his "children" refuse the Truth and instead take on the role of Pharisee and choose instead thier own Gospel.

    I'm on a soapbox now and this is YOUR blog. I'm done. God Bless you and your ministry.

    Thank you for speaking truth. Happy IOW Tuesday!

  2. Great post Deborah. Thanks for sharing.

  3. "A Pharisee rejoices when another Christian fails. They refuse to recognize their own faults and flaws."

    Isn't that the truth! I think that others' failures make people feel they are up on top - which is where a "Pharisee" likes to be.

    It's all about Jesus...transformation...love. Jesus made it so clear, why do people make it so difficult.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm glad we had "chocolate and coffee" together. :) (I really sat here and had both! ha!)


  4. Let me add a great big amen sweetie.

  5. Living examples to a world that is dark and fallen is so very important. There's no time to be living as a Pharisee, the world needs to see Jesus through us. Thanks

  6. It was a great post but became FABULOUS with the gentle reminder you snuck in at the end - You may be the only Jesus someone will see today. And really, isn't that the nugget of wisdom here? Be like Jesus. Thanks!

    AVA <><

  7. A hearty, "Amen!" to your post. I especially liked this, "If people would place as much energy and focus on fine tuning their own Christian walk, they would not have time to constantly criticize and destroy other Christians." Talk about inspiration and encouragement! Yay, you! Great job with your take on this quote.


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!