Monday, January 25


Tori, our granddaughter, is a very active and mischievous three year old. Our daughter Brooke is recovering from sinus surgery and yesterday Bobby and I took our grandkids home with us after church. I received a lovely candle melting pot gift for Christmas. I love it and have given clear instructions to Tori and Luke not to touch it because it is very hot. Well.......... yesterday afternoon Tori came into the bathroom, turned on the faucet in the sink, running water over her fingers. A short time later I noticed she had wrapped a wet tissue around her finger. Minutes later I witnessed her dropping the dogs tennis ball into the hot bowl of melted wax!!! Grammy scolded her after making sure her fingers were ok. Of course she cried because Grammy yelled at her...........

How many times does God scold us through the conviction of the Holy Spirit because we are doing something, thinking something, or watching something that we know we should not be a part of? Tori knew the melted wax pot was off limits but she could not avoid the temptation of playing in it. Many times weak Christians react the same way to sin. When we are not prayed up and are slacking in our devotional time with Christ, we become welcome mats for satan. The temptations often times become more than we can resist.
The adult Sunday School class that I teach has been studying Jerry Bridges books on Godliness and Holiness. I have realized that there is so much more to becoming Christlike. I feel such urgency in my spirit to learn more, read more, pray more and allow God to mold me into a stronger Christian throughout this year. God has a plan for each of us but giving into temptation only hinders what God wants to do in our lives.

The lesson for today.................Stay away from those hot melting pots! Blessings friends!

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Blessings and hugs!