Monday, August 24

Extraordinary Faith

What a busy weekend! Heart to Heart Gals ladies ministry hosted the annual Luau at church Friday night. Alot of prep work Thursday and Friday but it was an awesome event! Kudos to everyone who helped make the evening a huge success, especially my leadership team. Outstanding group of women!

I have a group on Facebook called Chocolate and Coffee/Pastor's Wives and Women in Ministry. It is amazing how many prayer requests I receive from women who are discouraged and dealing with so many needs in their lives. I believe that God is opening many doors of opportunities for Christians today so we can minister to those around us who are hurting.
Family, friends, neighbors and colleagues are struggling with losing their homes, loss of jobs, spiritual warfare, terminal illness, etc. etc. etc. The list just does not end. It breaks my heart to see the challenges that many folks I know personally are facing in their lives.
I believe that God is calling Christians to a level of Extraordinary Faith. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Why do we place him in a small box when He is so awesome? The Bible tells us that God never leaves us. We need to be unwavering about our commitment to Christ and display that faith to those around us. We need to encourage those facing crisis in their lives convincing them about a God who is bigger than anything this world has to offer.
You and I can make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Yes, the enemy works overtime to convince us otherwise but God is using Christians to make a difference in people's lives. I pray that no matter what you may be facing this week you will call upon God to help you. Encourage those who may be dealing with tragedy or heartbreak in their lives. Exercise the extraordinary faith to the world around you. Advertise Jesus to a world filled with hopelessness.
Happy Monday friends!


  1. Thanks, Deborah, for your invite to participate in the "chocolate/Jesus" bunch! Anything chocolate and I'm in. Anything Jesus? ALL THE MORE!

    Bless your heart; I love making new friends via this crazy cyber world. God is using it for his glory as only he can.


  2. Deborah - what a wonderful message that we all need to take heed of. We desperately need to be telling the world about our Savior.


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!