Tuesday, December 9

Has Something Stole Your Christmas

This time of year everyone is running around in circles attempting to accomplish far more than one human can possibly achieve in a month! It doesn't matter how early we begin. There is always so much to do right up to that awesome day on December 25th.

This week Lori at All You Have to Give is hosting "In Other Words". Scoot on over to her blog and check out the other comments today.

“Maybe Christmas”, he thought “doesn’t come from a store.” “Maybe Christmas…perhaps….means a ‘little’ bit more.”
By Theodore Geisel (Dr. Suess) from How the Grinch Stole Christmas

I wonder how many of us today have allowed our Christmas to be stolen from us in the past? If we are stressing over all the things that need to be finished before that special day, Christmas has been stolen. If we are lying awake at night trying to figure out how we are going to purchase all the gifts we need for family this year on such a limited budget, Christmas has been stolen. If we are so busy with social gatherings, baking, shopping, etc., Christmas may have been stolen from us.

I love the holidays but it passes so quickly because December is jammed full of events for the holidays. It is rare if we have one evening open throughout the week. That is pitiful. And what happens to us in the midst of all this busyness? We tend to forget what it is exactly that we are celebrating.

Saturday our church participated in a community parade. We had a small float with a nativity and people in costumes representing Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Shepherds, etc. As we approached the judging area they were very kind recognizing our church. The next comment was astounding. The announcer said that it was really good to see the nativity because sometimes we forget the true meaning of Christmas. WOW!

Christmas is far more than gifts and a wish list. If I were very wealthy I would love to give so much away to those who have nothing. Christmas is about giving. It is about a Savior who came to give you and I eternal life in heaven. It is about accepting God's free gift of salvation. It is about walking with Christ so that one day we will spend eternity in a beautiful place with our Heavenly Father.

Don't allow your Christmas to be stolen. It can happen when you least expect it. Stay focused during this very busy season. After all Jesus is the Reason for the Season!



  1. "Don't allow your Christmas to be stolen." What an important reminder! Thank you.

  2. I am one who has allowed her Christmases to be stolen in the past, but not in the past few years. When I find myself getting off track, I think about the very things you mentioned here. Great post!

  3. Applause, applause, Deborah! This is my soapbox...I just like to slow it all down and focus on that beautiful timeless story that ignites our hope.

    Thank you for a great post!

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. Deborah,

    You know I think so many of us have it stolen from us because of our expectations...we don't MEAN to...it just happens...it's a conscious effort to STOP and PRAYERFULLY ask God what He wants out of us...and I know then the season will be joyful and meaningful.

    I've allowed the "thief" of the season to break in~never again...

    peace to you for the blessing this was!

    Merriest Christmas to you!

  5. This just makes me laugh -- the parade announcer bit.
    It is a strange, strange, getting-stranger culture we live it, isn't it? I think the greater the sacrifice to AVOID the commercialism and capitalism and Martha Stewart-mentality, the greater our JOY this season. And the RICHER His presence becomes!
    This was a wonderful quote to watch unfold between us all today!
    ~ esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!