Thursday, September 11

Thankful Thursday

Sling and Stones (All Things Are Possible)

I am thankful today that even when circumstances in our lives appear bleak and hopeless, my God is still on the throne. He rules and reigns in my life and with HIM, no matter how challenging the situation may look, all things are possible with GOD!

Many thanks to Iris at Sting My Heart, for hosting Thankful Thursday. Scoot on over and peruse the other blog sites who are participating in TT.



  1. Happy Thankful Thursday. I enjoyed visiting your site today.

  2. Enjoyed your post!
    Oh, and uh, I'll take some chocolate and coffee, please!

  3. I am ever grateful for a God who reigns in ALL circumstances - thanks for the reminder!

  4. Wow, did you make that graphic? Really good.

    Great thoughts for today!!

    Blessings my friend~

  5. Amen and Amen! Thanks for the reminder!


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!