Thursday, September 25

It Is Over!

To all those who have been praying for me today, a big thank you! My credential exam at the certified level is over PTL! It wasn't quite as bad as I had anticipated. The credentialing process takes several months so the next step is the oral interview with presbyter's. Hopefully I will know by the end of the year if I am going to be a Reverend! This is the first level of credentials for the AG. I already ordered my first class to begin the process of study for the next level which is license.

Blessings and hugs!


  1. Glad that you made it thru. You are on your way now! Congrats! for achieving such an accomplishment! -Laurie

  2. May I join you for chocolate and coffee???? What an atractive blog title! I love both! :)


  3. I am so glad that your exam went better than you had expected. I'm sure you will become a Reverend if it is in God's plan. Keep the faith, my friend.

    I will continue to pray that you reach your goals.


  4. I don't know if I hit the right button or not! So here goes this again! I am so glad you are finished with this part of your test! Praise God! Hugs, Grams

  5. This gives me goose bumps!!! How wonderful...such a great accomplishment. Our daughter is doing the same...she too wants to become a minister.

    Wow....this is exciting news!!

  6. I'm sure you passed with flying worries...


  7. Congratulations to you, and thank you for your kind words on my blog! Chocolate and Coffee - what a great blog title! Have a wonderful weekend,

  8. Congrat's my friend!!! What a great feeling to have this behind you!!!

  9. I remember sitting with Dan when he met with the district presbytery for his ordination a few years ago. That was an intimidating, but good time. He was a licensed minister for over 30 years before he got brave enough to go for ordination LOL! You will be fine - let me know when you have to meet with them and I will pray for you!!!!!


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!