Tuesday, September 23

Extraordinary Faith

People everywhere are struggling with losing their homes, conflicts in family, loss of jobs, spiritual warfare, etc. etc. etc. The list just does not end. It breaks my heart to see the challenges that many folks I know personally are facing in their lives.

I believe that God is calling Christians to a level of Extraordinary Faith. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Why do we place him in a small box when He is so awesome? When we are crawling through the mud of the valley God is there with us. The Bible tells us that he never leaves us. We need to display the faith we have in Christ to those around us. We need to encourage those who are facing crisis in their lives and tell them about a God who is bigger than anything in this world. We need to remind ourselves that God sees the big picture. We are only capable of seeing today.

I pray that no matter what you may be facing today you will call upon God to help you. Exercise the extraordinary faith to the world around you.


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Blessings and hugs!