Thursday, July 31

Heading Home

Today was the final day of our visit with Brandon and Casey. Sadly we loaded all the suitcases into the car and are making our way to West Virginia to take my mom and step dad home. We will be heading back to Virginia on Friday. It has been a very busy week but we have had a great time.
Family is so important and the older I get the more I believe in that statement.
We didn't have an extravagant vacation but it was memorable. We ate at some great restaurants, cooked out, went to the Fair, found some incredible bargains at the mall, enjoyed a Springfield Pineapple Whip at a roadside stand and laughed until our sides hurt. Bobby and Brandon played some little one on one basketball which is something they haven't done for years. I think they actually played HORSE and Bobby won one game!! Was that planned???? I only see my mom once or twice a year so this has been a treat for us to spend time with her as well. Good quality time. Things we so often take for granted when our children are next door or down the street. You really learn to appreciate the value of family when your family is 1000 miles away.
Blessings and hugs!

1 comment:

  1. Having two daughters married to service men, I have to say AMEN to your sentence:
    You really learn to appreciate the value of family when your family is 1000 miles away.

    Glad you got to go and have such a good time. I don't know Deborah, I think your vacation was extravagant, it was filled with love and family.


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Blessings and hugs!