Tuesday, May 27

Rejecting The Enemy

We are traveling today from West Virginia after a brief visit with my mom and step-dad. I don't get an opportunity to see mom often so it was a treat to spend some quality time with her and Ray.

Bobby and I both felt a little under the weather yesterday. It was somewhat challenging since we had a 6 hour trip to make but God was good. We both awoke during the night with very upset stomachs. Apparently we had eaten something that really didn't agree with us.

Our bodies are such incredible machines. When something enters the body that isn't supposed to be there immediately the entire system begins to work together diligently to get rid of whatever it is that has invaded its territory. If only, as Christians, we reacted the same way when intruders come knocking at our hearts, souls and minds.

Wouldn't it be incredible if we would immediately reject SIN when it began to penetrate our hearts and minds with temptation? Wouldn't it be awesome if we would instantaneously reject any ungodly thoughts that sliver its way into our minds? Wouldn't it be amazing if our entire being would totally work together to stand up against the enemy without wavering or ever giving an opportunity to the enemy to do any damage in our Christian lives?

We can have it that way. By daily picking up the cross and following Jesus Christ, we can build a solid rock relationship with Christ that will be so tight that the enemy cannot influence or rock our world. I encourage you today to spend quality time with Jesus. Savor His Word. Bask in His presence. Allow Him to penetrate your hearts and minds. This is a new day. God has something fantastic for you this week. Allow Him to complete His will in your life.

Blessings to you!


  1. Hello Deb's hope you had a wonderful time with your mom. love alwas Deb from south africa

  2. I hope the rest of your trip was good! And your visit to your Mom's went well. Sorry you all were sick! UGH! Not fun! Always fun to get away but not to be sick!!
    Good Post! Love and hugs Grams


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!