Thursday, February 14

Who Has Your Heart?

But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
When God looks at your heart today what will He find? There are so many distractions in the world today that are competing for our hearts. If Satan can capture our hearts he is also capable of capturing our minds. And the old saying is that if we give the enemy one small corner of our hearts he will walk all over the other part getting to that one corner!
We easily fool people around us everyday. We certainly know how to pull it off on Sundays when we are in church. How many times have we walked into a Sunday service sportin' a happy smile and looking like we have our acts totally together? The truth is we are absolutely dying on the inside. Our hearts are breaking but because we tend to be prideful people we keep that to ourselves and attempt to fool everyone around us. Our outward appearance is impressive but remember that we cannot fool God. He sees down deep in our hearts and knows us better than we know ourselves.
Nothing in this world is worth giving your heart too. The satisfaction from sin in this world brings temporal pleasure to the flesh. Sin also leaves feelings of guilt, shame and destruction. The Bible tells us that God must be first in our lives in all things. He doesn't want a portion of your heart. He wants all or nothing. He loves us and cares for us more than anyone will ever love or care for us in this life.
Give Him your heart today. He is worth it
Blessings to you on this Valentine's Day!


  1. Amen!

    Wonderful and true post...Valentine's Day happens once a year...but God's love...happens everyday 24/7, 365 days out of the year without fail!

    Wonderful post!

  2. What a great post!!! I often find it interesting how I can try to fool those around me...who may or may not care about me...when in reality, God knows all the junk..the real me.

    I shouldn't feel as though I have to pretend to the world..when my Jesus...the MOST important person in my life..knows the real me.

    Thanks for such a sweet reminder of my Jesus' love.

  3. The very amazing part for me was realizing that IN SPITE of knowing every 'corner' of my heart, He loves me. Precious and great Lord.
    I wish I could sit at this cute little table with some chocolate and coffee and visit with you!
    In love with Him! Blessings!

  4. It's way past Valentine's Day now but I just wanted you to know I was here for a cup of coffee. I love coffee and chocolate. Having them together makes the coffee so much better - almost as good as ice cream and coffee.
    I love the beautiful pictures on your blog. Especially the pink roses and chocolate.


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!