Tuesday, February 27

God Offers Peace in the Midst of the Storm

We were blessed with six inches of snow Sunday! Watching the snow fall can be such a peaceful experience. It truly was a Kodak moment as the snow clung to everything it connected with. God offers that same kind of peaceful experience when we are obedient to His Word. Even though many times we are not able to see the big picture and things seem scary and impossible God still has a plan. When you find yourself in the middle of a giant snow storm and your path is not at all clear remember that God is still in control. Learn to trust Him each day in all areas of your lives. Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. No matter how crazy and out of wack things may sometimes seem, God is watching out for each of us. His plan for our lives is awesome! Just relax and allow Him to unfold it one page at a time. He is looking for willing vessels who are sold out for the Kingdom of God. You will be amazed at what He can do.

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