Wednesday, April 3

Let God Do It

There are so many opportunities for ministry in the world today. 

A question has been resonating in my mind lately....... Is your ministry Me-Centered or God-Centered?  If God isn't the reason we are doing what we are doing, it has no value. We are nothing without Christ. He makes us everything that we are. He orders our steps each day. If we choose to be Me-Centered and focus on what we can do we will never accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God.

The enemy loves to bury doubt, insecurities  competitive spirits and lies into our minds. It isn't about us. It isn't about the size of our church or how well we preach.  It isn't about how popular we are in our circles. It isn't about comparing ourselves in ministry with one another.  It is about Jesus Christ and what He wants to do through you and me to accomplish His work for the Kingdom of God.  Let God do it!

Lord, help me to focus on YOU and your will for my life.  I pray that I will not allow the enemy to fill my mind with garbage that hinders what You are calling me to do.  May the joy of the Lord overflow from my mouth and attitude and may your anointing be evident in my life.  In your awesome name I pray. Amen
Let's focus on being God-Centered women in all that we do. May you increase Lord and I decrease.....