Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
This has been one of those weeks! A week full of activity and then some. I am sure you know what I am talking about. A week filled to the brim with all kinds of ministry and personal obligations. The end result is a very tired and weary pastor’s wife this morning. And to top it off this has also been an extremely discouraging week. Do any of you understand where I am coming from today? Ministry can be a very discouraging and challenging place even when things are going well at our churches………..
As I was praying last evening for our services today God reminded me how much He loves and cares about me. We preach to our congregations all the time about encouragement and how magnificent God’s amazing love is. Well, when the rubber meets the road, this is where we truly discover how spiritual we are and how strong our foundation in Christ really is. Weak foundations in ministry never succeed………..
God is awesome and He loves you and I. I encourage each of you today to focus on Him and what He has for your life. His plan is awesome and I know from experience that life's busyness often steals our joy. We become so overwhelmed with our daily routines and obligations that we forget our purpose and the mission God has placed in each of our lives.
God has a plan and guess what... You and I are in it! Isn't that exciting? He wants to use you and He wants to use me to further the Kingdom of God. That makes my heart jump with excitement. Serving Him is challenging and exciting. We never know what tomorrow will offer but we can know with confidence that our God will be by our side walking with us no matter what the day may bring.
Give Him priority today and thank Him for His awesome plan for your life. Tell Him how much you love Him. We owe God so much for the transformation He has been responsible for in each of our lives. Be encouraged. God loves you!
Love and appreciate you,
Yes! He loves us more that we can comprehend!
ReplyDeleteThat makes my heart dance with excitement too!
Thank you, as always for your words of encouragement!