Thursday, June 18

Can We Make A Difference When We Are Exhausted?

Yesterday seemed like a never ending day. Have you ever experienced one of those times?

The night seemed short when Jochebed (our new addition) sniffed my face at 3:15am attempting to wake me so she could go to the potty! She was relentless so I stumbled out of bed and took her outside in the middle of the night! The alarm sounded at 5:00 a.m. I hit the snooze button several times before I finally convinced myself I had to get out of the bed and navigate towards the shower. The entire day was long and I was tired. I was really tired......... I wanted to go home after work to RELAX but the RELAX part didn't exactly happen since I had Bible study and choir rehearsal last evening. Long day...................................

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior
(NIV Psalm 25:5).

It is difficult to not become weary and worn when you have a zillion irons in the fire 24/7. But do you know that when we come to that place of exhaustion that we are not productive for His Kingdom? We become irritable and short tempered with others, we are too tired to read and study the Word and we can't pray for fear of falling asleep when we close our eyes!

We do have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and it must be a daily priority to make time for God. Not a microwave prayer and a mini devotion. When you are craving a doughnut do you settle for those mini's. NO! We want a nice big chocolate covered donut with all the trimmings. We should not settle for anything less than quality time with our Lord and Savior. Microwave prayers and mini devotions will never build a solid relationship with Christ.

Take inventory and eliminate clutter in your life. Mediate on His Word and allow Him to re-energize your Spirit. When we are exhausted, weary and worn we don't make a positive difference in the Kingdom of God.

Blessings friends!


  1. I really enjoyed this post. Thanks for the reminder. I know exactly how you felt. Feeling it a bit now. But That's quick to change!

  2. Deborah, what a brilliant post. My! I can so relate, especially that part of having to teach a Bible study group or minister. Yes, it happened when I ministered from empty and stressed out, before ... and did I have to repent and fall on His grace again?!!

    Without spending intimate time in His presence our reservoir is empty. Life smiles back when our reservoir is full and overflowing.

    Thank you for sharing. God bless you!

  3. Ok Deborah, Are you looking into my life or what? Love the analogy of Microwave Prayers and the mini devotion so true!!

    I have been trying and not let the tiredness that so easily sets me back. I suffer from hypothyroidism and have been giving into the lethargic feelings it brings. But lately God has been doing a new thing in my life and is drawing me to His church, His word and this is making me want to be a BETTER daughter to my Heavenly Father.

    God bless ya,

  4. You are so true! Sometimes when I am busy, I ignore coming to the Lord and have a quiet time with Him. I choose to do my duty and any other task rather than praying. I choose to be very busy organizing this and that rather than reading the Bible. This making me lose my temper. I often mad and grumbling.

    Now I know what I need. Thank you sister.


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!