Thursday, March 12

Thankful Thursday - Sowing and Reaping

Lynn at Spiritually Unequal Marriage is hosting Thankful Thursday this week. Visit her site and read the awesome posts from other ladies. They will truly bless you.

Sowing and reaping. What are you sowing in your life? How did you spend your day yesterday? Are you giving any thought to what you’re going to harvest from the seeds you’re planting this week? Are you seeking to please God, sowing seeds of obedience and service? Or are you sowing seeds of sin that will produce shame when Christ returns?

It’s estimated that about 95% of Christians have never led anyone to Christ. That’s not to say that they did not have an impact on people. As the old saying goes; “you can’t fail at sowing, unless you fail to sow!”

Our words, and actions and decisions are more significant than we can possibly know. They echo through our lives and the lives of everyone we meet. We influence people everyday either for the Kingdom of God or the world.

What are you sowing in your children’s lives? What are you teaching them? What kind of example are you setting? How are you preparing them to walk with Christ?

What are you sowing in your own spiritual life? Are you reading the Bible? Are you praying? Are you cultivating a relationship with God? What kind of harvest are you expecting? Are you sowing seeds to produce a a strong faith, and joy, and peace?

What are you sowing in your relationship with your spouse? Criticism? Neglect? Disapproval? You should not be surprised if those seeds produce a harvest of thorns and thistles. Or are you sowing encouragement, and praise, and attention? The harvest of those seeds is love.

What are you filling your mind with? How are you spending your time and money? What kind of seeds are you planting in these areas? What kind of fruit are you expecting?

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV), Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. the one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

What do we see? Paul thought it necessary to caution us against becoming weary. He spoke about reaping a harvest “at the proper time.” Why? Because sometimes the harvest does not come when we expect, or when we desire. Sometimes the harvest takes months, years, decades.

About ten years ago I served as the youth pastor for five years in our former pastorate. There were 4 boys in that group, one of them being our son, who gave me an extremely difficult time weekly. Many times I would go home on Wednesday nights in tears telling my husband that I just couldn't do this anymore. The next morning I was at it again! Today, three of those four young men are involved in ministry. I know I am not totally responsible for the calling those young men have on their lives today but i do believe God was cultivating a work in their hearts during those years. It took many years for that fruit to become obvious.

Sometimes the harvest comes too late for us to see it. Moses died before entering the promised land. Sometimes we’re unaware of who we’ve influenced; the fruit appears when we’re not around to see it. And, in some cases, the harvest just doesn’t come in this life at all. Our reward is, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” Here’s another thing: not only does the fruit sometimes appear at a time we don’t expect; sometimes it appears in a form we don’t recognize as good fruit. We were expecting strawberries and we got potatoes. Sometimes the result of obedience is not an improvement in our circumstances, but a strengthening of our faith and a refining of our character. God, in His wisdom, defines that as good fruit, even though we may be looking for something else.

We need to reflect on how we’re living. We need to consider what kind of seeds we’re planting with our life. We need to work diligently to plant the right kind of seeds, so we won’t be disappointed at harvest time: “A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.” – Proverbs 20:4 (NIV) We need to place our trust and confidence in God. Only He can produce a good harvest. It’s by His power and grace, and not because of our effort, that good fruit comes.

God provides the seeds and we are responsible for sowing those seeds. I am so thankful today for the seeds God has allowed someone to plant into my life. I am also thankful today for the many opportunities that God has given to me to plant seeds into the lives of others. My prayer is that I will always plant good seeds for the Kingdom of God. I don't ever want to be responsible for planting weeds!

Blessings friends!


  1. What a good word for today! Thank you so much for sharing. It was especially encouraging to hear that 3 out of 4 in your youth group went into ministry!

  2. Great thoughts, Deborah! Very thought-provoking. Time for some soul searching on sowing those seeds! Thanks for a great post! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  3. I love teachings like this about sowing & reaping and your post is very well done. In the busyness of life, I need to be reminded often that there is a consequence to my actions. Keep telling us, Deborah!

  4. Such an awe inspiring post sweetie.


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!