Tuesday, June 28


Sometimes no matter how hard we try, it seems that we just cannot focus on the things in life that should be most important to us.

Here's a little quiz ......
1. When life gets crazy, does your alone time with God tend to get pushed near the bottom of the priority list?
2. When you attempt to focus on something do you find that you are easily distracted?
3. Would you identify yourself as a worrier?
4. Do you ever have a "self" pity party?
5. Do you find yourself easily angered by others?
6. Do you easily find fault with others?
7. Do you find yourself questioning if God really cares about you and your purpose for life?

Have you ever considered that what we think is important God often considers a distraction? How many times have we put off our time with God to tend to other business we thought was more important?

Think on these common myths that we have all come to believe from time to time:
1. Busy equals important. (God won't ask us on judgement day if we have been busy.)
2. Someone wins the rat race. (God is not interested in what we do. He is interested in who we are in Christ.)
3. Hurrying will buy us additional time. (Do we fill the extra time with more stuff?)
4. "Down time" is just wasted time. (Why did God institute the Sabbath?)

The ultimate tragedy of our busy lives is the very same thing Martha faced in the Bible. She was offered the opportunity to sit at Jesus' feet but she was distracted. Was her desire to serve Jesus the problem? Absolutely not! Martha was fretting over the huge dinner she was preparing. She wasn't focused.

"Are you at that corner of life where you do not know which way to turn? Then, for goodness sake, sit down. Sit at Jesus' feet. Look in His word and see what He has to say. It will help you with your housework. It will make you a better dishwasher. It will help you sweep the floors cleaner. You will dig a better ditch, mow a better lawn, and study your lesson better. Your work at the office will be easier, and you will be able to drive your car better. Just take time to sit at the feet of Jesus." J. Vernon McGee

 In the busyness of life it is easy for our lives to become unfocused and distracted. Let's be intentional about focusing on what God has for our lives and refuse to allow the enemy to bring confusion and other distractions into our path.  God is our answer to whatever problem we are dealing with today.  Focus on Him..............
Blessings and hugs!