Thursday, August 14

Running on Empty

Bobby and I completed our first year of Church Life Cohort with Dr. Wayne and Sherry Lee this week. Yahoo!!! We will begin our second year in October. We are beginning to pray about things and plan to implement some ideas in the near future. We are anxious about accepting the challenge to move the church to the next level.

We commuted two hours each way Monday and Tuesday in the wonderful beltway traffic of Northern Virginia. That is always such a pleasant experience. On Tuesday as we traveled home I noticed the gas gauge in the car was less than half full. On the beltway in rush hour - that makes me nervous with less than a half tank of gas in the car. Of course Bobby was certain that we would be fine and we were but I know that you don't go for a long distance with an empty tank! I was concerned that there may be an accident and we would run out of gas if we had to sit for a long period of time in traffic.

My life this week has been more than hectic. Two days of Cohort, church Wednesday night and a meeting at 6pm prior to the service. I didn't get out of the office on time so I rushed home, made a terrific transformation and off to church we went! Today has been overwhelming as well. My boss has been in Springfield, MO this week attending meetings so we had to go over a number of items when he returned to the office this morning. We are preparing for a Leadership Retreat and Ministers' Retreat in the next two months. In addition to that we have a ton of other things which need attention. I also have a mentoring group this evening and we have been invited to dinner with some friends from church Friday evening. Oh yeah, this isn't my week for Friday off so I have to work tomorrow! In the middle of all that I am still trying to finish my classes by the end of the month so I will be eligible to take my credential exam mid September. Yes, I am tired and yes I am absolutely running on an empty tank!

God really spoke to me today and reminded me that when we allow ourselves to get to a place of exhaustion, we are really no good to anyone. Your mind is racing. Your eyes are blurry. Your body feels like a rag that has been twisted and rung out. And you seriously just feel like you have no brain power left to give.

I am so thankful that He offers us His cup overflowing with love and compassion. Through His Word we are blessed and rejuvenated. He is my source and my strength. Thank you Lord for always being there ready to respond when we cry out to you.

Blessings and hugs to you! Fill your tank with God's love and compassion.

1 comment:

  1. You always share such amazing words of wisdom that I can apply to my life. Thanks friend.

    Praying that as you spend time with "HIM", your tank is re-filled!!

    I'll be praying for you and all of the amazing activities you have on your plate.

    Remember Lamentations 3:22-23 which says:
    "It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed,
    because His (tender) compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning; great and abundant is your stability and faithfulness." (Amplified)

    Aren't you glad that God only gives us "enough" mercy for today!



Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!