Monday, July 2

Great day!

We had great services yesterday. Bobby initiated a six week study on discovering who we are in Christ. When you really begin to do some deep soul searching you discover some things about yourself that definitely need fine tuning. His series "Painfully Honest" is all that and more!

We need to be aware of our attitudes and actions in everything that we do as Christians. We truly are a witness for the Kingdom and a bad attitude or harsh words can certainly tarnish what we are trying to accomplish for the Lord. When we choose to display the banner of Christ people are watching and unfortunately evaluating our lives. I don't ever want to be responsible for causing anyone to turn away from the Lord because of something negative I have done or chosen to speak. Even when people choose to be rude or downright nasty to us retaliation is not the answer. Driving in Northern Virginia will certainly tantalize your anger level and when people start sending hand gestures tempers easily rise to the boiling level. But as a Christian I need to control any behavior that would not be honorable to the Kingdom of God. Screaming at the top of my lungs and hitting my steering wheel in traffic certainly would not reflect a positive image of Christianity.

For me this is a great time to do a serious gut check and rate myself regarding my Christian character. I want to be more like Christ each day in all areas of my life and that doesn't come easily. I pray that the Lord will help me to be more tolerant of others and to reflect a gentle and loving spirit in all circumstances.



  1. Hi Debbie,
    Returning your visit...thanks so much for coming by my site and commenting! Your blog is beautiful, and the music so peaceful! This post in particular is a timely reminder to live a life worthy of the calling we have received...

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to say I LOVE your header! What a beautiful teacup and coffee is one of the food groups in my opinion!


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!