Thursday, April 16

Thankful Thursday - Legacy

I posted this blog several years ago but it seemed so appropriate for today.

I am thankful today for my husband, Bobby. We were married the summer I graduated from high school and left the following month for bible college. I seriously would not encourage anyone to do that but thank the Lord we survived! We will celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary in July.

Even though the ministry can be a tough and challenging profession, Bobby has taught me numerous lessons over the years as we have co-pastored. He is a wonderful father and my very best friend. He is a true example of putting God first in everything he does. His life truly represents God in all ways.

My dad passed away at the age of 49 with lung cancer. I was seven months pregnant with our first child. My children never had the opportunity to meet their grandfather. I am thankful today that my dad accepted the Lord on his death bed and that one day we will be reunited.

My grandfather was a Pentecostal Holiness pastor and passed away from complications associated with cancer. I am thankful today for his heritage. His influence in my life inspired me at a very young age to seek Christ. I can remember the summer's that I would spend with my grandparents in the mountains of West Virginia. My grandfather would take me to church and encourage me to play my accordion. I have no idea what happened to that incredible musical instrument, no idea how to play or a desire to try! Anyhow...... he was a great man of God and made a huge difference in my life.

My father-in-law was another great man of God who influenced my life tremendously. He passed away a number of years ago. Although he battled sickness most of his life I am thankful for the incredible Godly legacy he left behind. He was a great model for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
And most of all I am thankful today for my Heavenly Father who consistently puts up with me! Sometimes I react like the children of Israel whining and complaining about everything. He continually loves me and encourages me daily. I love Him so much and am so thankful that He is such a tolerant Father.

Visit Laurie today for other Thankful Thursday posts.



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  5. nice blessed upon reading it!

    Mine is up here at

  6. this post blessed my heart and is it not just great that one day we will walk those streets of gold with the loved ones that have went on before

  7. What a precious heritage of faith, Deborah! Thank you for sharing this with us. I know you are thankful for them. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  8. What grace to be a given your own faith-filled heritage!


  9. Debbie, I am so glad that you found this post, even though you wrote it sometime earlier, it is very appropriate for today! Thank you for sharing your legacy with us today on TT! -Laurie

  10. I really enjoyed reading your post this morning. Have a blessed day!


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Blessings and hugs!