Friday, January 30

I Don't Want to Gain the Whole World and Lose My Soul

I was listening to Toby Mac's song on the way to the office this morning, Lose My Soul. Wow! What a message! That certainly caused me to have a Big Gulp Gut Check!

It sickens my heart as I look at the world and see people who are living their lives so carelessly. God instructs us to come out from the world and be separate but in churches all over the world we seem to be in a contest to see who can be most like the world and still expect to be recognized as a "church". Compromise has become common and morals and Christian values are "ole fashion" and "out of date".

I recently heard of a pastor in a mega church that tells his congregation (of mostly young families and young adults) that he has a "cuss" jar and places money in it throughout the week each time he says a curse word! What is with that????! What ever happened to Christians pursuing holiness and Godliness? Oh yeah - I forgot - that is not cool anymore and it doesn't bring crowds into our churches. We have become so number conscious that we are willing to compromise and preach watered down, warm and fuzzy sermons so we don't offend anyone for fear they may leave our church. Pulpits are filled with false prophets who are preaching heresy and people are buying into it hook, line and sinker! We don't have time in our busy schedules to read our Bibles and pray so our foundations are weak. When you don't know God's Word it is easy to succumb to compromise. Many of those folks have bought into the lie of deception from the enemy and are clueless as to what being a true Christian is all about.

I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul! NOTHING this world offers is worth missing the opportunity to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. Gaining notoriety, fame and fortune is certainly not worth losing my soul over. My Bible says that few will enter heaven. Unpopular teaching but folks we are living in the last days and fewer and fewer pastors are preaching the truth. Fewer and fewer Christians are willing to stand up for Christ and show the world what Godliness and holiness is all about. People are dying and going to hell and we are sitting back watching the devil win. It is time that we take a stand for what we believe in. SIN separates us from God. 1 Peter 1:16 says, for it is written: "be holy, because I am holy."

I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul......... What about you?

Blessings and hugs!


  1. AMEN!

    We go to a smaller mega church. Is it possible to have a small megao church??? Anyway, even though we are a larger church that is "seeker friendly", our pastors don't back away from the tough topics and calling the pot black if need be. They are also the first to admit that they struggle with some of the same things that we as a congregation do. I appreciate that as it makes them very human and not appear as faultless. We're all sinners saved by grace doing life together.
    However, the cuss jar would take it too far for me as well.

    I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and have really enjoying reading your insights. Keep up the great writing!

  2. Preach it Sista!! Seriously..I'm with you! I'm a FIRM believer that God's more concerned about our holiness...than he is our happiness!!!

    Thanks for being you....and for being bold...and honest! Our world needs more people like you my friend.

    Praying you have a GREAT day in the house this weekend.

  3. Hi Deborah, you know I am with you totally! We need to be preaching this message from the rooftops. Unfortunately, not many have ears to hear.

    Keep pressing on. I will do the same!

  4. Amen! Amen! I loved the song too!

  5. Hi Deborah--
    Great post. Awesome song!

    I really enjoy your blog and am handing you a blog award called The Lemonade award. instructions are in the post.


  6. Congrats on being one of the top 100 christian womens blogs. Well deserved.

  7. Amen!

    I just wanted to stop in and say congratulations for being one of the Internet Cafe’s Top 100 Christian Women’s Blogs of 2008! Your blog truly does bless!

  8. A HUGE AMEN! Preach on! NOW THIS is what we need to be hearing from the pulpit!


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!