Monday, August 11

Life Under the Sun

I am working on a class and one of my assignments is to prepare a sermon outline from Ecclesiastes. I chose Ecclesiastes 1:3, What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun? (NKJV) I am trying to complete the assignment this week. If finished, my Life Coaching mentorship group may be asked to critique the project Thursday evening.

Life is absolutely meaningless because it is much like a treadmill going nowhere. King Solomon viewed life as constantly in motion but never achieving a meaningful goal.

The phrase, Under the sun, indicates the limited focus of his vision. As an earthly observer, he could not seem to get his eyes above the limited perspective of life on earth.

I will post more on this later. It has been a long day. Bobby and I are participating in a two year Church Life Cohort. We traveled to Lutherville, MD today and must leave in the morning at 6am for a second day of incredible teaching.

Time for bed!

Blessings and hugs!


  1. looking forward to hearing more from you on this - sounds like a great subject. -get some rest. Blessings, Laurie

  2. This will be neat to read about. Sounds like you have been really busy!! Blessings, Grams


Thanks so much for visiting this site. I pray that Chocolate and Coffee will be an encouragement to you today.

Blessings and hugs!