Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:38-42) Martha was so worried about all that was happening around her that she totally missed an awesome opportunity to simply sit at the feet of Jesus and enjoy His presence.
You and I have done the very same thing many times. The demands on our lives become so overwhelming that spending time with God is not a priority. We have wonderful intentions at the beginning of each day. We recognize that our relationship with Christ is a vital ingredient needed to survive this journey of life. Spending quality time in the presence of the Lord each day is crucial to our Christian growth. But somehow He becomes a distant thought at times. A not so important entity at the moment. Disruptions and busy lives crowd out our time with Him. We, like Martha, miss an incredible opportunity to be with the Lord. We can become so casual to the exactness of God that we begin to question His will for our lives.
God knows exactly what He has planned for each of us. He leaves no crumbs on the table. He didn't just die on the cross. He was the lamb of sacrifice who died for you and for me. Mary was seeking the good part. She pursued the exactness of God and refused to be distracted by all the other things that were happening around her. She chose to sit and enjoy His presence. She determined in her heart that nothing was going to stop her. She wanted everything He had to offer.Why shouldn't you and I reflect that same determination in our lives? He must be a priority. Pursue all He has to offer you. Refuse to be casual to the exactness of God.

I am thankful today for the constant nudging of the Holy Spirit when my life becomes so busy I can't seem to focus on what is important. God is so awesome. I am so thankful today for His Word and His love and His awesome plan and purpose for my life.
Such a nice thankful post.
ReplyDeleteDeborah, thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today and for sharing Gods Word!!! I must admit I can get realy busy and lose focus on the important things, but praise God His Spirit gently steers me in the right direction. It is my prayer to have more of Him, to crave Him, to have a sweet tooth for His Word! -Happy TT, Laurie
ReplyDeleteJust after celebrating Pentecost this past Sunday, what a great week to be thankful for the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right. It's easy to get caught up in daily life and take for granted the One that we should constantly remember. I thank God that He doesn't give up on me, and that He draws me back to Him when I get distracted.
ReplyDeleteI'm so like Martha, but I want to be more like Mary! Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteLovely words! I once read an inspirational book where the writer speaks of God as waiting on us each morning. The thought is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI live with such busyness around me. It is so easy to become preoccupied and neglect what is most important.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
what a great phrase "the exactness of God"! I don't want to miss what he has for me today in his presence there is fullness of joy!
ReplyDeleteThis is a topic that has been on my heart lately and I've posted about it lately. There are so many distractions. If I don't spend time first thing in the morning in a quiet time, my day is off and running and I haven't had my spiritual engine started correctly. My day is always better when I begin with God.
ReplyDeleteI want to be more like Mary too. This was a great post for TT.
Great post and very well said. Have a fantastic weekend!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the gentle reminder. I have lived a life of thankfulness. Nevertheless, I have an extremely humble husband who would never brag on anything (including his kids, wife, accomplishments, etc.) The problem with this is it left a lot of room for speculation and insinuation. I became the target of great criticism and accusation. Most of it was unfounded. I was leading a quiet life being a big support of my spouse, kids, etc.
ReplyDeleteMy contentfulness and grattitude evaporated over the decade of this abuse.
I am just getting back my joy and gratefulness again. I'm grateful for the little things too. We've not owned a home, our cars are old, we barely make enough to provide for our retirement and survive as a family of 5 on one income with kids in private schools. But I am thankful! I have been able to teach my hubby that it's good to brag "a little" on your family at least! I appreciate that he's a humble guy but it has hurt me when parishoners have interpreted his silence wrongly. Namely because I am the outgoing one, I get accused of not being submissive which is so far left field! I have followed and supported this man two decades!
Powerful post!