Do you realize that the fear of success can hold you back as much as fear of failure? Why? Because the end results are unknown.
Stepping out in faith to pursue a desire God has placed in your heart can be very intimidating. Jumping into the "unknown" can be so overcoming that many of us may never truly pursue that desire that is burning deep in our bones.
The only way to completely rid yourself of any level of fear is with the Word of God. Studying and applying the Word of God to your life will enable you to discover what God is saying specifically to you. Your faith in Him will increase. You will begin to look at the obstacles in your life as tiny pebbles in comparison to God and what He has for your life.
If you are struggling today with the fear of moving forward with the God given passions of your heart, take time this week to dig into God's Word. Chew on it. Savor the flavor of God's nuggets and allow His Word to penetrate your heart and mind. Search the scriptures for verses that will encourage you as you forge forward to tackle your God given pursuit. Write down the scriptures and read them everyday as a reminder of what God will do in your life if you choose to be obedient to Him. Take those words from God very personal and act upon them. Continue to pray for guidance and surround yourself with positive Christian friends who will encourage you daily.
Fear of the unknown can create doubt and confusion in our minds but with God we can experience peace and encouragement.
Blessings and hugs as you step forward to achieve those God given passions!