~Kay Arthur~
I am so tired of Christians being beat up and defeated by Satan. Recently I had a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend who is really going through the trenches of a very dark valley. Satan is a liar and his only purpose is to completely destroy lives. He is whipping up on Christians all over the world. These people are crying out in desperation seeking refuge from the darkness of sinfulness. Why is this happening to people in our churches?
We know that we must read our Bibles and pray daily in order to cultivate a close relationship with Christ. Even though this is so true Christians are not doing it. All of us have "Amaleks" waging sin against us. No matter how strong we are as Christians we will continue to face temptations until we take our last breath on this earth. If we are not constantly filling our minds with God's Word and spending quality prayer time with the Lord we will not be equipped to resist the devil when he comes knocking on our door. We just don't have it in the flesh to tell him to take a walk. Sin is fun. It is exciting and the flesh craves it. So unless we are prepared to fight this battle with God by our side we are going to lose in a huge way.
Why do we doubt God's power and His strength in our lives? The Bible is full of testimonies of those who have gone before us who truly experienced God. Jesus healed the blind. He raised the dead. He healed the woman who crawled through the crowd with the issue of blood. She simply wanted to touch the hem of His garment and she was healed! He performed miracle upon miracle. Why do we doubt Him today? Doesn't the Bible tell us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever? He hasn't changed. His power hasn't changed. His miracles haven't ceased. Why do we live like we don't believe?
When Satan strikes he leaves his mark on his victims. People are overwhelmed with guilt and shame and he constantly reminds them they are losers. That is nonsense! My Bible tells me that God buried my sin in the deepest sea. He restores us and wipes the slate clean. We are a brand new creature in Christ when we ask for forgiveness with a repented heart. Chase Him with perseverance. Seek Him with passion. He gives strength. He gives each of us purpose in this life. He has a plan for you and me.
We have a huge responsibility to disciple people in our churches. When someone comes to the altar God instantly changes them. They truly are a new creature but it doesn't stop there. We must come alongside those people and mentor them. We need to disciple and coach them. Will Satan strike again? Most definitely and they need to be aware of that also. Just because we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior doesn't mean that we will never again experience another problem or trial. Matter of fact there will probably be more problems and trials to deal with but the difference is the Lord will be there to help us through the situation.
We won't walk the road alone. God will be there to help us make the right decisions. And through discipleship, mentoring and life coaching we can teach others to resist the devil when he shows up attempting to destroy their lives and families.
Under the banner of God victory is always assured. That statement my friend is our strength today. Be steadfast under His banner today. God has a plan!
Blessings friends!
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