Friday, October 31

A Call to Persevere

The Chocolate and Coffee Bible study was great last evening! We are doing the Beth Moore study, Stepping Up, The Psalms of Ascent. Great discussion and fellowship and awesome desserts! I look forward to that time with the ladies from our church each month.
I was reading from Jude this morning and Jude 17-25 hit me hard. Verse 18 says, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires." Oh my goodness! Does that hit home or what????
There is so much confusion and turmoil in the church in this day. Many Christians today only want to follow their own ungodly desires which brings much confusion among others. The scripture goes on to say that these men divide you. Imagine that! Division in the church! Wow!
So many want to wear that "Christian" banner across their chest but their lives certainly do not measure up to the characteristics God expects from His children. My husband and I get busted on continuously because we both speak the truth regarding the Bible and what God requires to live as a Child of God. Sin separates us from our Heavenly Father and sin will not enter the gates of heaven. There is no maybe about that. The bottom line - if you have sin in your life you won't enter heaven. That may sound harsh to you but that is what the Word of God consistently tells us. Read it for yourselves. No where will you find in God's Word that you can live in sin and enter heaven. As Christians, we cannot compromise. We are to put on the characteristics of God daily. We are commanded to live by the ten commandments. They were written for you and I and still apply to our lives today.
I know this isn't popular teaching but I also know we are truly living in the last days. The very elect shall be deceived and it is happening all around us. People who have served the Lord for years, pillars in the church, are turning away from the Lord. The enemy knows his time is short and he is setting traps for each of us. No matter how long you have served Christ beware of the traps. Don't ever think you cannot be fooled. Any one of us can fall if we are not careful.
I encourage you today to read your Bibles and pray earnestly. Judah 20 says, "Build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." God is our protector, our strength and our security. He loves us and He desires the very best for you and I. Satan hates us and our families. His only mission is to kill, steal and destroy and he is accomplishing that all around us. How many of us know people who are seriously struggling in deep sin? He has a tight grip on their lives and they have no desire to let go.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. To the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Judah 24-25.
Blessings and love to all of you today!!! God is awesome!

Thursday, October 30

Confidence, Trust, Belief - Thankful Thursday

Who or what are you trusting in today? What do you have confidence in today? What is it that you can say you have a strong belief in?

Bobby and I flew on numerous planes last week traveling to and from Mexico. I had confidence in the airlines and the pilots that we were going to arrive safely. When we climbed into taxi's in Mexico with driver's who barely spoke English, I trusted them to drive us safely to our destination.

Why is it that we trust a pilot or a taxi driver that we have never met before, but struggle with trusting God?

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Did you notice in this scripture that there are no exceptions? God commands us to trust in HIM with ALL our heart. He didn't say with most of our heart we were to trust HIM. The word ALL is inclusive. No exceptions. No leaks. No room for doubt.

We can rest assured that God gives you and I constant care. Hebrews 13: 5,6 says that He will never leave us or forsake us. He has made that promise to each of us. That's a great promise. God consistently cares about you and I. We are to cast all our anxiety and all of our worries upon Him. His consistent care for us is not occasional or sporadic. His care is complete, not partial. His care is sovereign. Nothing can touch you or I without first touching God.

When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can't trust anyone - not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we want than even we are! We must trust Him completely in every choice we make. This does not mean we cannot study the options and make intelligent decisions, or that we should have no confidence in our ability. It means, however, that we must not be wise in our own eyes. We should always be willing to listen to and be corrected by others. Bring your decisions to God in prayer, use the Bible as your guide; and then do what is right.

Charles H. Spurgeon was England's best-known preacher in the 1800's. He often preached to audiences of 10,000 without a PA system. He said one time, "I would recommend you either believe God to the hilt, or else not to believe at all. Believe this book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it. There is no logical standing place between the two."

I am thankful today for a God who loves me enough that He gave His only Son to die for my sins. My prayer today is that I will learn to trust HIM with ALL my heart in ALL circumstances.

Iris is hosting Thankful Thursday today. Visit her site and check out the other blogs today for TT.

Blessings and hugs!

Tuesday, October 28


Bobby and I had an awesome week in Mexico. It was a blessing for us to be given the opportunity to stay in such an extravagant resort. The place was beautiful. This particular resort has the second largest pool in the world. Although we were only able to lay by the pool one day because of the tropical depression that depressed all those on vacation for 7 days, it was a great time! :-) We visited Cancun and spent one day shopping in the malls there. We had lunch at an authentic Mexican restaurant. It was fabulous. They actually prepared and cooked our meal by our table. So yummy!

As we traveled throughout Mexico we saw many homes. It absolutely broke my heart to see the way some families were living. They have very little. Their homes are concrete blocks and some even have dirt floors. We are so blessed in this country. I never want to take that for granted. God has been so incredibly good to us.

When we returned home Saturday evening we were again blessed. The landscaping fairy had been t0 our home while we were away! All the landscaping around our home had been weeded and mulched. It was beautiful. The trees and bushes were also trimmed and shaped. What a nice surprise!

I will post more photos later this week.

Blessings to you friends! It is good to be home!

Monday, October 27

Home Sweet Home

We are home! Vacation was absolutely incredible. I will blog more later about the trip. I am back at work today and have a 3 hour meeting this morning. Ugh..... There is a heaping pile of mail on my desk waiting to be opened and a ton of messages to be answered.

We had an awesome day in the house yesterday! It felt so good to teach my Sunday School class and lead worship. Bobby was fired up after being out of the pulpit for a week and ready to preach!! He hit a home run!

It just feels good to be home.

Friday, October 17

Mexico, Here We Come!

Ok, I am now officially getting excited! Tomorrow morning we leave Dulles airport for Mexico for a week of vacation. We are going with good friends from our church who invited us to share their timeshare in a beautiful resort. God is so good!

Bobby and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary in July. We didn't do anything special because this vacation is our gift to one another for our anniversary. We are so looking forward to the time away. I am packing books and even a leadership course I am currently enrolled in. We are looking forward to rest and relaxation! Like many of you in the ministry those two words are seldom a part of my vocabulary. We will take a few day trips but baking in the beautiful sun and walking on the white sandy beaches sounds like heaven to me at the moment This has been such a stressful few weeks.

Last night I met with my Life-Coaching Mentorship Group. We had a great evening of discussion and fellowship. One of the books we are studying is Hand Me Another Brick. It is a great book about the life of Nehemiah and his leadership qualities.

I am planning to blog while we are away. The resort has an Internet Cafe' so hopefully I will have an opportunity to stay in touch. Our daughter and her family will be house sitting and taking care of our three little people with fur. She came down with this same sickness that my hubby and I have had for the past month last evening. She has a doctor's appointment this morning. Please keep her in your prayers.

I pray that you have a fabulous weekend. Blessings and hugs!

Wednesday, October 15

Pastor Appreciation Day

Sunday was a great day in the house! For those who may not know, October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Our church chose last Sunday to recognize their pastor's and wives. We received flowers, cards and gifts. After service Sunday morning there was an incredible luncheon planned with tons of food. The Sunday evening service was cancelled since everyone worked so hard to put together such a nice day. It was definitely off the chart and it was obvious that love was poured into making it a very special day for us.

Bobby and I have been in ministry together for twenty-eight years and have pastored our current church for almost ten years. We are very grateful for the people God has called us to pastor. We truly are blessed and I know there are many pastor's and wives who are not able to say that today. I am privy to many things in my position and it sickens me to hear the way some churches treat their pastor's and families. Pastor's are gifts to the church. They work long hours and are on call 24/7. Many times our plans have been disrupted because of a church family crisis. Many times Bobby has been called from dinner because someone has just been rushed to the hospital. Many times we have spent hours counseling folks whose marriages were in shambles. Pastor's and their wives carry numerous burdens for the church along with their own.

Pastor's and their families are often ridiculed for a variety of reasons. How often have you heard people in your church criticize the pastor and/or his wife? They live in a fishbowl and are constantly scrutinized.

I encourage you today to be thankful for the pastor and his family that has been called to lead your church. They are not perfect - neither are you. Love them, encourage them and pray for them daily. Pastoring is a tough calling and only those anointed by God and called will succeed. Focus on the Family has stated that 50 pastors per day leave the ministry. The ministry is not for whimps. It can be a very challenging, stressful and lonely profession.

Send your pastor and his wife a card. Take them to dinner. Buy them a gift. I emphasize "them" because behind every good man is a good woman. The pastor's wife is the one who listens to her hubby's heart when he is discouraged and feels like throwing in the towel. God uses her many times to minister to her husband and to remind him why he is doing what he has been called to do.

I applaud all pastor's and their wives today. You are special. God loves you and He will take care of you.

Don't wait for October each year to tell your pastor and his family that you love them and appreciate them. They deal with so much more than you will ever know. Send them a card for no reason. It is a very stressful and lonely profession. Encourage them today. I guarantee you it will be greatly appreciated.

Blessings and hugs!

Tuesday, October 14

In Other Words: Characteristics of a Pharisee

"A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself."

by A. W. Tozer

Amy at In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is hosting In Other Words today. Stop by to read her blog and check out the other great blogs from ladies participating in IOW on this Tuesday.
Our churches today are full to overflowing with people who see themselves as the "perfect" Christian. They are like the Pharisee's mentioned in the Bible because they fail to see their own faults but are very quick to point out the flaws in others. Critical spirits are destructive to the church. This type of behavior creates division and discord.

A Pharisee looks good from the outside, but inwardly they are corrupt. They have wicked hearts, critical and lying spirits and are very rebellious. A Pharisee doesn't love others with Christ's love. They are only successful in always pointing out the faults of others in the church. Everything must be done their way. If not, they perceive it as wrong and ungodly.

A Pharisee craves recognition, popularity and honor. They are always seeking praise for everything they do in the church. If proper recognition is not given to them they become angry and find fault with the pastor and church. The Pharisee wants to be seen. He doesn't recognize the definition of humbleness. A Pharisee is more concerned about what others think rather than God.

A Pharisee has a lack of respect for any authority. People who disrespect leadership, disrespect it at all levels. Pharisee's refuse to believe the truth. They don't want to hear the truth. A Pharisee rejoices when another Christian fails. They refuse to recognize their own faults and flaws.

God commands us to love one another with His love. I admit it isn't always easy to love everyone with my fleshy love but I am thankful today that God helps me to embrace others and love them with His love. If people would place as much energy and focus on fine tuning their own Christian walk, they would not have time to constantly criticize and destroy other Christians.

My hubby and I have pastored for almost thirty years. I admit there have been some very rough journeys but God is always there to walk through the valleys we are facing. We have had many experiences and some of them haven't been easy. I do not understand how folks can harbor bitterness and hatred in their hearts toward one another and proclaim to know Jesus. People quit churches because so and so is a member. That is ridiculous and extremely childish! God commands us to love one another. How in the world do these people think they are going to make it to heaven? God certainly isn't going to separate His children when we arrive so we don't run into others we hate! Bitterness and hatred will definitely keep you out of heaven.

Christians do not respond as Pharisees. Christians love their enemies and encourage those who have fallen. We must be a living example of Godliness to a very dark and fallen world. You may be the only Jesus someone will see today.

Blessings and hugs friends!

Monday, October 13

Daily Challenges of Christian Living

Serving God diligently requires hard work. We cannot afford to be slackers but to do everything in a way that honors the Lord. We must strive to keep doing good, and to serve God honorably.
The daily challenges of Christian living seem overwhelming at times. We face challenging obstacles of all kinds and at various levels. There are personal struggles, both inward and outward. There are difficulties that also come against our churches as well. The Bible instructs us on how to face these challenges in both clear and practical terms.
How do we deal with persecution and false teaching? We are to remain steadfast and faithful to God's Word. How do we support one another in times of distress and discouragement? We are to intercede for one another faithfully. How do we ensure the strength and growth of our church? We are to work hard inside and outside the church, even when that effort requires doing something unpleasant. We must remember that we are part of God's entire unique plan. And we need to remember our fellow Christians' welfare as well as our own.

Thursday, October 9

Me-Centered vs. God-Centered

We had an awesome time at Ministers' Retreat. I am so excited about the ministry for pastor's wives and credentialed ladies in our district. I truly feel in my heart and spirit that women are beginning to grab hold of the vision our leadership team has for this vital ministry. I made new friends this week and had an exciting time with the great women from our district.

Beth Grant spoke into the lives of the women of our district in two morning sessions. She was wonderful. The one thing she spoke about that has resonated in my heart over and over again is ministry is not about being Me-Centered. It is all about being God-Centered. If God isn't the reason we are doing what we are doing, it has no value. We are nothing without Christ. He makes us everything that we are. He orders our steps each day. If we choose to be so Me-Centered we will never accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God because we are too concerned about ME. We have all been there at one time or another. The hair isn't right, the makeup is streaked, the clothes are tight.... Well maybe not but in our minds we think all these things are not in order. So, what if they aren't???? It isn't about us ladies. It is about Jesus Christ and what He wants to do through you and me for the Kingdom of God.

I pray you are having a wonderful and blessed week. I am dealing with round two of bronchitis and feeling pretty rough today. I am waiting for my doctor to return my calls. I have contacted them 3 times this morning.

Let's focus on being a God-Centered woman in all that we do. I don't want people to see me when I am ministering to them. I only want them to see Jesus.

Blessings and hugs!

Tuesday, October 7

Day One of Ministers' Retreat- Success!

I am in Williamsburg, VA coordinating the district Ministers' Retreat. Today began with a number of committee meetings at the hotel. We officially kicked off the retreat with a Luau this evening! It was awesome! Crosswalk Community Church in Williamsburg hosted the event and did an incredible job. Kudos to all those who worked so hard to make the evening a huge success! Dr. Rhoden was the speaker for the evening and the presence of the Lord was all over that place.
We are hosting our 2nd annual Chick Chat in the morning at 8 am for the pastor's wives and women in ministry in the district. Beth Grant will be speaking to our ladies at the 9 am session. Looking forward to a great day!

It is almost 1 am. Time to turn in and get a few hours sleep!

Thanks for your prayers.


Wednesday, October 1

Prep for Upcoming Ministers' Retreat

This has been a very busy week at the office. Finalizing details for Ministers' Retreat next week in Williamsburg, Virginia. Our new ministry to Pastor's Wives will host the second annual Chick-Chat breakfast. We also have two separate sessions scheduled for pastor's wives Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Our retreat kicks off with a first time ever Luau Monday evening! Still have a zillion details to finish. Thank the Lord I have two more days to prep!

Blessings to you!